miércoles, 13 de abril de 2016



This term our class is participating in a contest about climate change and Europe. The main aim is to get know Europe's  (on the 9th May) and to promote the knowledge, cohesion and solidarity with other European cultures and languages.

We came up with the idea of recording some videos where children would say a word or a phrase in different languages. On top of that, we could prepare some games with students during the break in the playground or making a mosaic of the European flag. With these activities we could show that all the students in the school were involved in the project.

I think that we need the help of a lot of people. They have to be enthusiasm because if they not I think that it will not be a good work. The attitude of the actors is very important. We need people for the video that we are doing. There they need to speak in different languages. Other idea is the mosaic of the European flag. So for this idea we need more people who have to be wearing a dress in blue or taking a paper in colour that we give to them.

En la 3 evaluación nuestra clase está participando en un concurso sobre el cambio climático y Europa. El objetivo principal es conseguir saber cosas sobre Europa (el día 9 de mayo) y para promover el conocimiento, la cohesión y la solidaridad con otras culturas y lenguas europeas.
Se nos ocurrió la idea de grabar algunos videos donde los niños podrían decir una palabra o una frase en diferentes idiomas. Además de eso, podríamos preparar algunos juegos con los estudiantes durante el descanso en el patio o hacer un mosaico de la bandera europea. Con estas actividades hemos podido demostrar que todos los estudiantes de la escuela estuvieron involucrados en el proyecto.
Creo que necesitamos la ayuda de mucha gente. Tienen que tener entusiasmo porque si no, creo que no va a ser un buen trabajo. La actitud de los actores es muy importante. Necesitamos personas para el vídeo que estamos haciendo. Tienen que hablar en diferentes idiomas. Otra idea es la del mosaico de la bandera europea. Necesitamos más personas que tienen que estar usando un vestido azul o cojer un papel de color que les demos.

3. Ebaluazioan gure klasea lehiaketa batean parte hartzen ari da Europa eta aldaketa klimatikoari buruz. Honen eginkizuna da jendeak Europaren berri edukitzea eta beste kulturei buruzko informazioa edukitzea.

Gure ideia izan zen ume batzuk aukeratzea eta hoiek esaldi edo hitz batzuk hizkuntza desberdinetan esatea. Gero ere jolas batzuk prestatu ditugu umeekin jolasaldian patioan egiteko edota mosaiko bat Europako banderarena egitea ume hoiekin. Ekintza hauekin ikusi daiteke eskolako ume guztiak proiektuan buru belarri ibili zirela.

Guk uste dugu jende askoren laguntza behar dugula. Gogo asko jarri behar dute ekintza hoiek egiteko bestela ez litzateke lan ona aterako. Aktoreen jarrera oso garrantzitsua baita honetarako. Bideoa egiteko jendea behar degu ere. Bertan hizkuntza desberdinetan hitz egin behar dute. Beste ideietarako, mosaikoarena, jende gehiago behar dugu non urdinez jantziko litzateke edo paper urdin batzuekin bandera osatuko zuketeen.

miércoles, 6 de abril de 2016


This term our class is participating in a contest about climate change and Europe. The main aim is to get know Europe's  (on the 9th May) and to promote the knowledge, cohesion and solidarity with other European cultures and languages.
We came up with the idea of recording some videos where children would say a word or a phrase in different languages. On top of that, we could prepare some games with students during the break in the playground or making a mosaic of the European flag. With these activities we could show that all the students in the school were involved in the project.

jueves, 10 de marzo de 2016

Climate change guide


What is the climate change? 

Climate change is a change in the statistical distribution of weather patterns when that change lasts for an extended period of time.

Here there are links about:

-CO2 emissions from new vehicles in Europe continued to decrease in 2014

-Climate change impacts and adaptation: http://www.eea.europa.eu/soer-2015/europe/climate-change-impacts-and-adaptation 

-The number and impacts of disasters have increased in Europe in the period 1998-2009, a new report by the European Environment Agency (EEA) concludes. The report assesses the frequency of disasters and their impacts on humans, the economy and ecosystems and calls for better integrated risk disaster management across Europe: http://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/natural-hazards-and-technological-accidents


3rd term

This is the last term and in this term we are going to do a project about climate change to participate in a competition. I think that it is a good idea to learn about it because we need to do a lot of things very interesting; like, an advertisement, the song... It will be very nice.

jueves, 25 de febrero de 2016

stop war


Nowadays, the world is becoming a place full of war. It is getting worse. We need to change this but I think that it is impossible now. All the people have different point of view and some think that to have war it is going to be better and others think that it doesn't work. In my opinion for example, I don't think that it works it put the things more complicated. A lot of people die because of that and we need to stop that.  

The responsible of the war are the rich countries. The poor countries suffered from rich countries attacks. They waste millions for the army things. I think that it is too much money to waste on that. However, I think that we couldn't live without war, I can't imagine it. There is nothing to do against that.

The Hungarian camera operator who was filmed kicking two refugee children and tripping up a man at the border hotspot of Röszke this week has apologised, saying “something snapped in me” and she cannot believe her actions.

In a letter to the rightwing daily newspaper Magyar Nemzet, Petra László said she had been in a state of shock since the incident on Tuesday, but denied accusations of racism.

“The camera was shooting, hundreds of migrants broke through the police cordon, one of them rushed to me and I was scared,” she wrote.

“Then something snapped in me … I just thought that I was attacked and I have to protect myself. It’s hard to make good decisions at a time when people are in a panic.”

László added that she was willing to take responsibility for her actions, but went on: “I’m not a heartless, racist, children-kicking camerawoman. I do not deserve the political witch-hunts against me, nor the smears or the death threats.

“I’m just an unemployed mother of small children, who made a bad decision. I am truly sorry.”

László was fired by Hungarian nationalist television channel N1TV after video of the incident was posted on Twitter by Stephan Richter, a reporter for the German television channel RTL.

N1TV – which has links to the far-right Jobbik party – said her behaviour was “unacceptable” and her job had been terminated “with immediate effect”.
On Thursday, Hungarian prosecutors said a criminal case for breach of the peace had been opened against her. Sandor Toro, the deputy chief prosecutor of Csongrád county, said: “In the course of the investigation, the authorities will also examine if more serious crimes … can be established.”

The incident happened on Tuesday as hundreds of people broke through a police line at Röszke, a collection point close to the Hungarian-Serbian border where thousands of migrants have been crossing every day for the last month.

jueves, 28 de enero de 2016

fat but fit


Scientists believed that excess body fat was mere storage for unused calories. However, research conducted over the past 20 years suggests added fat is more than a little extra cushion.

In 1998, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) published a guidelines and in it said that if you are overweight but good physically you will not die earlier.

But in 2015  the International Journal of Epidemiology did a study and said that what NIH said about "fat but fit" wasn’t true. Compared to physically fit obese men, normal-weight men who were not physically fit had a lower risk of dying.

Abdominal obesity, which is fat centralized in the belly, is a sign of high levels of visceral fat in the body. Visceral fat is the type of fat that accumulates in arteries and around organs, and has been credited with increased inflammation and disease risk.  

Another study saidd that it is a myth. It said that
If you are overweight, a study suggests that even doing lots of exercise will not prevent an early death. Researchers say it is far more important to be slim, even if you are unfit. For years experts have believed it is possible to be ‘fat but fit’ and still relatively healthy. This led to some heavier adults assuming a few extra kilos did not matter as long as they took regular exercise.

In conclusion, exercise does a body good, but new research suggests it does less good for obese bodies. Swedish scientists launched a massive study to try and find out whether being highly fit can mitigate the risk of early death that comes with obesity.